Schools Use Text Message and SMS Marketing

SMS for Schools

With TextAware, it’s never been easier for teachers, students, parents, and administration to be in contact. Whether you’re a principal wanting to update the entire student body (or their parents) on important updates like closures or cancellations, or you’re a teacher wanting to get in contact with your students to update them on an assignment, TextAware gives you the tools to make it happen.

Why Use Text Message for Schools?

SMS and Schools haven’t always gone together, but times are changing!

Text messaging platforms like TextAware give schools important tools to provide updates and information to the entire student body, while also allowing for one-on-one communication. In an age where everything is digital, it’s just as easy to lose an important flyer sent home with a student as it is an important email to schedule a parent teacher meeting. With TextAware, you can ensure your messages don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Benefits of SMS for Schools

  • It’s Fast – Gone are the days of the phone chain! SMS messages provide an instant update, so you can keep everyone up to date

  • It’s More Engaging – Not only are text messages a more immediate form of communication, but they encourage a dialogue – and with 98% of texts being read, you’re guaranteed to start a conversation.

  • They’re Hard to Lose – Do you have an important update for parents? Ensure it doesn’t get lost with other flyers by securely messaging them

  • Texts are Universal – While there are many students and families do not have access to a consistent internet connection, most families do have access to SMS messages. Ensure your message is seen by all with SMS updates.

How to Apply SMS to Your School

  • SMS for Students – Have your students opt in to updates on after school activities, get notifications from club coaches or advisors, or receive news updates from admin

  • SMS to Parents – The most common use of SMS for schools, you can easily update parents on school closures, medical updates, and general announcements without the need for phone chains or flyers sent home with students

  • SMS for Teachers – Quickly communicate with your students about posted assignments, keep parents updated on Parent Teacher Conferences, or create a group text to coordinate with your department

  • SMS for Parent Organizations – Use SMS to help fundraise for your student’s club or program, or use a text blast to keep the members of the PTA informed on the latest updates

Ring in More Business For Your Business!

Make no mistake. Your communications system isn’t simply a way to conduct business – it’s a way to drive it. Think greater flexibility and efficiency. Think scalability. And think gaining a competitive edge that makes you look better than your top rivals. We’ll help you bring clarity to your technology vision. And then we’ll seamlessly execute it. Our job isn’t done after installation, either. We’re there whenever an issue pops up. No waiting on hold. No excuses. Just our 100% commitment.